The University spirit marks represent Utah Tech’s rich heritage and trailblazing spirit. Use of spirit marks is reserved for Utah Tech Athletics and approved nonacademic organizations.
Use of Spirit Marks
- The bison logomark is centered on the left edge of the horn
- Spirit marks can be used by:
Utah Tech Athletic Department, its entities, and sponsors - Student activity-based groups and promotions targeting current students
- Nonacademic organizations that have been approved by the University Marketing & Communication Office
Improper Use of Spirit Marks
- Used as a primary identifier outside of athletics
- Used by forward-facing academic departments
- Used in communication representing academics
- Mixing the institutional and athletic brands
- Producing the Athletic Utah Tech University logo as a single color in Brooks Blue

Bison Logomark

Primary Athletic Wordmark

Athletic Logomark

Trailblazers Wordmark

Primary Athletic Logo

Utah Tech Athletic Word Mark

Trailblazer Athletic Logomark

Utah Tech Athletic Logomark